Thursday, April 14, 2016

Easterday Means Joy

This post is inspired by a prompt from Reflections of a Mother's Heart

The prompt was "Share a Memory about a Grandparent"

Thanks to several siblings and cousins, who have shared their stories. Doug Dawson, Kandy Chimento, Kris Pedicord, Sharon Walker, Stacy Easterday, Jean Schoonover, Reva Jane Butera 


Doesn't that name just fill your heart with joy? 

I know it does for me. Even after all these years, the thought of my grandparents brings back so many precious memories. 

The Joy of Treasures

They had a humble home in town with a big front yard.  All the cousins gathered there to play many times. But it was especially joyful on Easter when we found lots of colorful treasures hidden everywhere.

The boys enjoyed treasure hunts out the backyard which backed up to Nimishillen Creek and a railroad track. I'm not sure what all kinds of treasures they found back there.

Some of us enjoyed treasure hunting in the attic. We found lots of hidden treasures there ...

a trunk filled with beautiful dresses worn by Mom or Aunt Twila years earlier at the prom or weddings.

One could also sort through old 45's from a jukebox. We loved playing those old, silly songs.

Doggie in the Window
Crying in the Chapel
On Top of Old Smokey
and many more

There was never enough time to enjoy all the pleasures... Such as the old organ which we all wanted a turn to play. But when Grandma took a turn, she played by ear. I especially recall her playing and singing

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, 
    To shine for Him each day; 
      In every way try to please Him, 
        At home, at school, at play. 

            A sunbeam, a sunbeam, 
              Jesus wants me for a sunbeam; 
                A sunbeam, a sunbeam, 
                  I’ll be a sunbeam for Him. 

                    • If you didn't get your chance at the organ, then maybe you would do a little typing on the old typewriter or adding numbers on the adding machine. 

                  And then there was the joy of storytelling. 

                  Grandpa told stories from working the mines. He would start a story and get so tickled by it that he couldn't even finish the story. It seemed we heard the same stories again and again, but what we wouldn't give to hear them once more now. 

                  Grandma had an amazing memory. She recited poetry she learned in grammar school. Oh, how I have wished I had those poems to teach my children. She also knew everyone's birthday by heart and things like how much they weighed and how long they were. She must have loved to read. She would read every sign down the road. A street sign. A speed limit sign. We might blame it on Burma Shave. 

                  Remember these signs along the roads?

                  You could get a little joy from watching them interact.

                  "We need to get a new couch." 

                  "I just bought you a new couch."  

                  [25 years earlier]

                  At the restaurant,
                   Grandpa would leave a tip 
                  Grandma said,
                   "I cook for him all the time and he never gives me a tip."
                  [Rumor is she would keep part of the tip for herself.]

                  Now if all this didn't give you enough joy, 

                  there was always the quarter grandpa gave the kids as we left. A quarter was always a great joy to a child. 

                  Cousin, Jane shared Uncle Bill {my Grandpa} gave them quarters for the metal circles that had been popped out when putting in a fuse box in their home. 

                  Jane's sister, Jean mentioned he must have adopted the giving of coins from his Uncle Will who gave them silver dollars.

                  Grandpa gave us all silver dollars at Christmas.

                   Back then they were worth something!

                  Back Row: Dad, Mom, Grandma, Twila, Chet
                  Middle Row: Mandy, Marcy Kris, Alex
                  Front Row: Sheila, Dan, Pedro, Doug, Kandy
                  Evidently, Grandpa took the picture.
                  Taken about 1970-71?

                  There is much more joy to share, but that will have to wait for another time.


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